As a Not for Profit Co-op GOYA operates from an engaged membership of yoga teachers… including YOU?

It costs $1 joining fee and $5 annual membership.

MEMBER Benefits

  1. You receive a 1 class YogaHive Pass with the requirement to invite someone new to yoga to any listed class
  2. You receive our monthly newsletter to inspire and provoke..
  3. You can list your Karma classes on our interactive map or let us know about your projects and have us put it out there.
  4. You have bi-annual voting rights on allocation of seed funding from GOYA to requesting karma yoga projects across Australia.
  5. You have the right to apply for seed funding for appropriate projects.
  6. You are invited to participate in our weekly evening Conversations held on Zoom for a chat about things that matter.
  7. You are invited to listen and participate in bi-weekly Community Q&A to members of our community doing amazing stuff on Be.Live Facebook.
  8. Most of all you buy into a conversation that addresses a fundamental focus of yoga -' Yoga prepares us to be of Service


Application for new Get Off Your Asana Members

Are you a certified 200h+ yoga teacher?
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Minimum requirement

A 200+hours yoga teacher training certificate is the minimum requirement for joining as a GOYA member. If you're not qualified yet, let us know when you do. Meanwhile follow us on facebook.

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First Name
Your First Name
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Last Name
Your Last Name
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Your Email Address
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Where do you teach?
Please mention location, eg. Studio X, Balmain. You can enter multiple locations.
Your Full Name
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What interests you most about Get Off Your Asana?
You can select up to 3 positions
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Please specify
e.g. I just love to support the idea of GOYA.
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GOYA Member fees
You have the option to pay with PayPal or make a bank transfer
Charge will be $ 6, comprised of
$1 Joining Fee and $ 5 Annual fee ie AU$ 6
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Field is required!
Charge will be $ 6, comprised of
$1 Joining Fee and $ 5 Annual fee ie AU$ 6
You have the option to pay with PayPal or make a bank transfer

Ready for Action?

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