• “The life of a yogi is to create a beautiful, bountiful future.
    That is the true life of a yogi.”

  • “Belonging Day, that's what I'd like to call it. Instead of Australia Day, let's call it Belonging Day and then everyone belongs. Your human existence will only last for a short space of time, and from there you go back to the spiritual essence where everyone is equal.
    There is no you're greater than me or I'm greater than you. You just are.”

  • “An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power, or money, or fame, but in fact driven slightly mad bye some cruelty, some unfairness - So much so that he or she is compelled by some internal moral engine to act to make it better.”

  • “We can only meet our responsibility by creating and articulating a shared vision. A shared vision of how we want to experience our world. We have to learn how to use the oldest communication technology known to human kind. We have to learn how to have conversations. We have to learn how to have conversations about what we really want, not what we’ll settle for.”

  • “Community is an integral part of the human spirit. We thrive and achieve so much more together. I share yoga, I don’t teach yoga. Positive minded people amplify and elevate the community spirit as a whole. This means a community can respond to and make the most of whatever comes its way.”


GOYA = Positive Change / Yoga

Positive change through yoga?

What might 30,000 plus Australian yoga teachers, focused on strengthening all that is good in their students, their communities and their world actually achieve? Every time you lead a student through a new asana, a new pranayama, a new liberating thought process, you’ve led them to new ground. Each new capacity, each newly empowered person, marks a step towards much needed positive change in this country.

What is Get Off Your Asana?

Get Off Your Asana is a Not for Profit Co-op for Yoga Teachers. It provides services to amplify, support and assist projects being done around Australia that bring about positive change through the practice of yoga.


Getting the good stuff out to community

Karma Directory

A map for Get Off Your Asana members

1. To list their Karma classes or events; donation classes, fundraisers or Info sessions related to positive social change.
2. To offer up FREE yoga classes in exchange for services…cleaning the studio, bookeeping, PR, etc etc


Monthly BYO Tea or Wine 8pm the first Wednesday of the month on ZOOM meetings… sometimes on the monthly Newsletter topic, sometimes free ranging.


Listing of yoga related organisations working to bring about positive social change. Be inspired!


Monthly by email. Exploring stories and ideas from yoga teachers out there working within specific communities throughout Australia and exploring issues that need unpacking.


Helping to fund yoga ventures in social good

Help Fund My Project

Funds will be allocated to members applying to secure start-up funding for projects and services related to yoga in the area of positive social change. From Jan 1st 2021 Click here to apply.

Auspice my Project

As a Not for Profit Co-op ,Get Off Your Asana is set up to securely hold raised funds for yoga related organisations that do not have Not for Profit status.


Providing pointers, mentoring and introduce you to targeted services

Getting Grants

Our panel of yogis, with an understanding of the complexities of asking for support will guide you towards the 'free money' options which exist.

Not for Profit Application

Before you start applying for NFP status and maybe DGR, ask our panel of experts for their advice.

PR - Maximising your Reach

Let our panel of experts provide you with some ways you may not have thought of yet to reach WAY out there.

Crowd Funding

Let our panel of experts provide you with some ways you may not have thought of yet to reach WAY out there.

Ready for Action?

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