The yoga world is full of people with know-how. Let us know what you are up to and we can help provide pointers, mentoring and introduce you to targeted services to make sure you are skilled up when you set out to make a change.


The social capital being built by yoga teachers is incredible. This capital is often raised on the back of a simple yoga wage by a yogi who is clear that all is not as it should be in the world. We, as yoga teachers have the capacity to go some small way towards righting wrongs. Sometimes this requires being backed. Our panel of yogis, with an understanding of the complexities of asking for support will guide you towards the 'free money' options which exist.

Tell us a bit about you and we will reply within the weekwith some options
Fill in Form available January 2021


Before you start applying for NFP status and maybe DGR, ask our panel of experts for their advice. These yogis have had experience and can guide you over the humps before you hit them.

Tell us a bit about you and we will reply within the week with some advice
Fill in Form available January 2021


A brilliant idea needs a receptive audience. Let our panel of experts provide you with some ways you may not have thought of yet to reach WAY out there.

Tell us a bit about you and we will reply within the week with some advice
Fill in Form available January 2021


The genius of Crowd Funding is it brings together both the gathering of interest in what you are up to and the funds to make it rock. It's a great way to put yourself in front of community and skillfully done can make all the difference.

Tell us a bit about you and we will reply within the week with some advice
Fill in Form available January 2021

Ready for Action?

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